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09-10-10 Special Meeting

Special Meeting
September 10, 2010 at 9:00 am
Land Use Office Conference Room
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present: Cramer, Wilson, Kaley, Wright, and Henderson; Staff Present: George Benson.

Representation from Yale School of Forestry: Professor Mark Ashton; two teaching assistants (including Marlyse Duguid); and four students (Ben Larson [Student Coordinator], J. Daniel Oppenheimer, Brea K. Kroeker, and Lucien A. Bouffard).

Objectives:  Healthy Diverse Woodland; Enhance Esthetics of Town; Hiking and Walking Trails; Wildlife Habitat; Identify Ecologically Important Sites (e.g. vernal pools); Forest Health (e.g. invasives).

Action Item:  Commissioner Cramer will contact the chairs of the Inland Wetlands Commission, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Trails Committee, and the Parks and Rec Department to explain that students will be contacting them.

Expected Results:  The students will give the Conservation Commission an oral report in December 2010 and a written report in January 2011.  In April 2011, the students will give a presentation for Town officials, Town agencies, and the public.

All of the students’ resumes were copied and placed in the commissioners’ folders, except for Lucien Bouffard’s, which was e-mailed to all commissioners.

The group walked the Pole Bridge and Grady properties.